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Use Options for Additional Information

Some locations need more information about the person checking in--are they potty trained? Did they bring a backpack? Use options to gather that information and make sure that backpack goes home with the right person.

You can only manage options from the folder or location where they were originally created.

  1. Folder options are listed but can only be edited from the folder tier.

  2. Enter the name you'd like people to see as an option when they're checking in, and check the box to choose which label to print for that option.

  3. Click the trashcan icon to delete, the + to add another option

Click Save to keep the entered options or Cancel to remove any changes you made.

When someone checks into that location, they'll see the options and be able check the ones applicable to them.



The selected options will automatically be selected for future check-ins until they are de-selected.

When the label prints, the checked options will show on the label.


If the print option was checked, the additional label(s) will also print.

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