The event time may differ from when you want people to begin checking in, or you may have multiple event times. Manage all time information in the Times tab of an event.
When someone checks into an event, the closest time available will be suggested, except in these cases:
If the closest time is more than 45 minutes in the past, the next time will be suggested. If there is no next time, the suggested time will be in the past.
If the person arrives at the same time they did last week, those times will be suggested.
Go to the Times tab and select New Time.
Choose the event date and time the event starts.
Choose a time to show the event on stations.
If you don't want to allow people to check in after a specific time, set the Hide event at time.
You can decide when an event is live and available for checking in on a roster or self station by choosing show and hide times. A manned station can override the show and hide times, allowing a volunteer to check in a person at any time.
If you have multiple times, those times might overlap, allowing people to check in at both times simultaneously.
If you update a time, the Ready tab on a roster station will be blank because there will be no recent check-ins associated with the new time. The time(s) for the past session dates must match the current time(s) listed in the roster in order to show people in the Ready tab.
Updating times may prevent volunteers from checking in at a self station since the time of their last check-in does not match the new event time. However, to ensure volunteers can check themselves in, you can schedule them in Services and use the Services integration, as long as the Services and Check-Ins times match.
You can only delete a time if no people are checked into that time. Manually update the time of those people or delete the associated check-ins.
If you have more than one time for the event, you can remove locations from times from the Excluded Locations tab.
If you see a Times and Locations button, click to enable it. It connects times and locations, so you can exclude locations from specific times.
Select the + to add locations that aren't available during that time.
If you don't see locations, make sure you've added them to your event!
Select Save to add the time to your event.