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Checking In Children with Disabilities

Every child is unique and has his or her own way of learning, and not all children can fit inside the box of their age or grade. To help you ensure the children at your church are in the best classrooms for them, you can ignore the filters of locations.

If you have a child who needs to go to a location outside of the pre-set location filters, check the box next to Ignore age and grade filters in the child's profile.

ignore age and grade_arrow.png

While this feature can be used for any person, the most common scenario for churches is helping children with disabilities. This checkbox allows children to check into any location, even if they don't fit the location filters. Once they've checked in, Check-Ins remembers their previous location in the event and will suggest that location the next time.

Create Location with Special Filters

If you have a classroom dedicated to supporting children with disabilities, you can create a location just for them.

Create a filter that no one will fit in, such as Ages 150 to 150, so only those who have checked the box to Ignore will have it as an option.

filters 150 years_arrow.png

When a child checks in the first time, you'll have to manually choose this location. Then, when they check in the next time, Check-Ins will suggest the location the child checked into last. Any age or grade changes on their profile will not affect location suggestions, so if they need to change locations in the future, a volunteer can change that from a manned station.

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