Generate unique attendance numbers to track the health of your services. You can view them as a graph or to download it as a CSV file.
These graphs show the total number of unique people who are checked in or counted in Headcounts.
Choose a time frame.
Choose specific events to show on the graph.
Choose a daily, weekly, or monthly view.
Export the data shown in the graph as a CSV file.
Hover over a bar to see specific attendance numbers for that event and time frame.
Once you've chosen a time frame and selected specific events, you can see the graph changes accordingly.
Display Archived Events by checking the "Include archived events" checkbox:
If you select a single event, you'll be able to see more detailed information in the graph about that event.
Use the Options menu to get more specific information.
Mark an event as a favorite. Favorited events will filter to the top of your Events list.
Group check-ins on the graph by kind (Regular, Guest, Volunteer) or location.
Select specific locations to include in the graph.
Select Times to include in the graph.
"Inactive" times are any times in past session dates that are not on your current session date. You can select one of these to include data from those past times.
Filter the Kinds you want to show in the graph.
Filter any Custom Headcountscategories you would like to see in the graph.